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CMS replacement for ERP and eCommerce

on 2/2/16 7:19 AM 3,258 views

I use Wordpress as a CMS and eCommerce platform. The developing in Wordpress is quite easy and solid but it missing ERP feature (there is single plugin to integrate with Frontaccounting) so I wonder: Can I use Odoo as a replacement CMS of Wordpress + eCommerce plugin? In simple words does Odoo became CMS+ERP platform?



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On 2/2/16 7:19 AM

Odoo v8 (next release) provides a web module and an e-commerce module: www.odoo.com/page/website-builder The CMS editor in Odoo web is nice but I prefer Drupal for customization and there is a Drupal module for Odoo. I think WP is better than Odoo web too.

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Asked: 2/2/16 7:19 AM
Seen: 3258 times
Last updated: 2/2/16 7:19 AM